Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Arguably the Best Blog Ever

Dear Diary,

Much has happened since my last entry. Where should I begin? I guess I should mention that we moved into the theater on Sunday. Isabel and myself were supposed to just bring lunch for the crew but due to lack of crew, we stayed and helped. Isabel was getting down and dirty wearing a pretty dress and flip flops and I had on my favorite corduroy shorts and sandals... LOL. But I have to say, we rock! Matt Korinko came in later wearing his little softball uniform and of course Greggy was no where to be seen. He had to go "get lumber"... SURE GREG! I guess any man would take any opportunity they could to get some wood.

Last night we had a clean up rehearsal for dance... I guess that means we were dirty. Also, I guess I will actually have to start dancing now and not just marking it. I tend to do that until we move into the theater and start actually running the show... that way I don't risk a leg injury (yeah right). I would like to publicly apologize for breaking Zach's flip flop (thong) last night during the dance. He was really upset. I hate to see a 7 foot tall man cry (well maybe he's only 6'8").

Tonight we run the show in its entirety. A little worried here. I haven't really gone over lines in a while and I won't have time today because I have a photo shoot with Mayor Francis Slay (oops... I just dropped a name... let me pick that up). I'm hoping my energy and enthusiasm picks up soon. Its strange. I love this show and I like the people in it, but I still miss Grease and the gang from there. I think that's one of those shows that I will always miss and nothing will ever measure up. All that aside, this is such a hard show to get right and I want to be good but it's really hard coming straight from work after 9 to 10 hours of brain bashing. I just feel dead inside (hmmm, thats how I felt with the last person I dated too). I definitely don't feel like I am totally with it when I'm there and I'm not sure that I am acting as friendly (and by friendly I mean smart ass) as I usually am. Plus I don't think I am giving 100% to my performance -- My mind is totally focused on this magazine I am designing thats going to have Francis Slay on the cover (OMG, I did it again. I'm such a clutz today). I'm sure it'll work itself out. Wish us (more like me) luck!

Hail Francis Slay. Now you can go back to surfing for porn!


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