Tuesday, April 3, 2007

No rest for the wicked!

I'm back!!! April 9th we begin our rehearsal for Urinetown (and I can't wait... sorta). I have two weeks off to get stuff done that was put off during Grease and I find I am still putting them off.  I used the "well, its my first weekend off after Grease ended" excuse last weekend, and Matt Korinko (Officer Lockstock) suggested a great excuse for the upcoming weekend.... "Well, it IS the last weekend before Urinetown rehearsals start."  I think I may use that one... and its a three day weekend for me (THANK YOU CATHOLICS!!! I KNEW YOU WERE GOOD FOR SOMETHING!!!   lol)

Tonight we have a little get together for the cast at Blueberry Hill.... who knows, maybe I'll buy a round of drinks.  I am so excited about seeing all the peeps that I've done shows with before, but nothing beats meeting the newbies!  Isabel was one last show and we are now the best of buds. I can't call her my theater wife any more because my original theater wife, Sarah Armstrong, threatened to "cut the Ho" if that continued... LOL

Stick with us. I'm sure it will be a great time. Check back often. I will update as much as I can, as often as I can... HI GREASERS (if you're reading this new blog). I miss you guys.

Now you can go back to surfing for porn!


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