Friday, April 13, 2007

I Ain't No Idiot

So here I am at home on a Friday (pathetic I know) and I've been studying my music for Urinetown (even more pathetic) and I'll be damned if this stuff started sinking in. I was listening to the opening number over and over and you guessed it, over again and I decided to give it a rest and smoke a cigarette (kidding... I actually ate some ice cream - I am sooo gonna gain weight again and if I do I'm buying a carton). So I'm walking around the house humming the opening song and all of the sudden I stop dead in my tracks. "I THINK I GOT IT! I ACTUALLY GOT IT!" So I ran and got my little digital recorder to verify my suspicion. HOT DAMN I GOT IT!

I am more excited than a heroin addict that just got a fresh needle. More excited than a porn star that is hung between two guys like a roll of paper towels (God I love that phrase... I had to use it). So now my outlook on this show is bright. It doesn't seem like the impossible task I thought it was just this past Monday. Of course that is only one song out of a trillion or so (I may be exaggerating a teeny tiny bit there).

So get your tickets now because this cast member will be ready!
De-Klined here we come!

Now you can go back to surfing for porn!


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